Some Questions

What frightens you,

when you lie awake at night

unable to sleep

watching the shadows

as they creep

closer to your bed?


What keeps you awake

when worried thoughts curl

and weave their way

through your mind

ruffling feathers

and flying blind?


What stops you from falling

back to peaceful sleep

when the nightmares of the day

stop haunting your nights

and gather to wrestle

sleep from your eyes?


Who is it you see

when you look in the mirror

and the mask slips away…

Do you rejoice,

or do you sigh back

into your camouflage?

8 Comments Add yours

  1. eshachaks says:

    What a beautiful poem


  2. TheMomSagas says:

    Lovely! That’s quite thought-provoking.


  3. simi sp says:

    its very difficult to lose our loved one’s, nice post


  4. Pallavi Priyadarshee says:

    I am scared of loosing my loved ones.i dont want to loose any one.


  5. Geethica says:

    When I look in the mirror, I see mixed flavours of my character. Some I am proud of and others I have to work on.


  6. Liam says:

    Fire. I worry about the house catching on fire while I sleep.


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